Tuesday, 29 April 2008

The start of things to come!

Emilia got her summer Crocs at the weekend and ever since then Esther has been eyeing them up. She grabs them at every opportunity and tries her best to put them on her feet. No doubt this is only the start of a lifetime of swapping or stealing each others shoes/clothes/bags etc etc. They are proper girls, no tomboys here! If only they made Crocs in little size 3! Poor Esther, your feet need to grow a bit more yet!
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Saturday, 26 April 2008

Start them young!

Emilia enjoyed assisting with the lawn-mowing last week! She also likes helping with washing up, washing the car, sweeping and pegging out the washing. However, she doesn't seem too keen on tidying up her own toys!

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Fun in the garden!

We are making the most of the fine weather and the new garden toys Esther had for her birthday!
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Monday, 21 April 2008

My New Toy!

For my recent birthday I received a digital scrapbooking software package, and have spent many hours playing around with it since. Today I discovered a cool new effect that can be applied to photos. It's called 'Dad's old camera' and it will make a photo look like it was taken sometime in the 1970s! Cool!

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Travels in our Bongo - Northumberland

Our first camping trip in our Bongo. We went to Northumberland, despite the chilly weather forecast! Our campsite was rather remote - a farm near Berwick-upon-Tweed - we shared our surroundings with horses, chickens, dogs and a few other hardy campers!

Inside the bongo with the bed set up

The weather turned out to be ok and we managed to visit all the places we wanted to without getting wet. The only rain was on the final morning and if you happened to be in Alnwick Sainsburys on that day you may have caught sight of four slightly bedraggled people, two of whom were still in their pyjamas!

Edinburgh Castle

In four days we managed to pack in trips to Lindisfarne (a bit touristy), Bamburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Berwick and The Alnwick Garden, which has been one of our favourite visits in recent times!

By the Water Cascade at the Alnwick Garden

All in all we had a great time and we're looking forward to the next trip - Blackpool - in a few weeks time!

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Random Finds

I am quite accustomed to finding things in strange places, so I didn't bat an eyelid when I found a tumble drier ball perfectly balanced on a door handle today! Other random thingswe have found recently include two wooden spoons in Esther's bedroom, hairbrushes in drawers and a happyland lady in a potty!

Monday, 14 April 2008

Introducing .....

The smallest member of the family, but quite speedy. Esther likes exploring. She also likes going in the bath, standing up, playing the drum, eating anything she can find and trying to escape out of the front door. She dislikes being still!

Emilia likes to be in charge, she will probably be a teacher one day! Her favourite things include going to cafés, buying new shoes/bags, playing CDs and telling her little sister what to do! She will tell you that she doesn't like mushrooms or broccoli and she doesn't seem to like going to bed!
Shona keeps things ticking over at home. In a previous life she was a teacher but now prefers to stay at home with the children. She is often found in the kitchen - cooking, baking, washing, sweeping - or more lately, at the computer indulging in her newest hobby - digital scrapbooking!

Andy, the only male presence in the house, enjoys football, running, taking photos, reading and playing with his girls. He is a local Church leader, supporter of Watford FC and sometimes finds time to update his own blog. He is resigned to the fact that 10 years from now he will no longer be able to get into the bathroom!