All the Scotts have had a busy weekend! On Saturday Andy and Emilia went to London, to celebrate the commissioning of his cousins in the Salvation Army. Emilia was impressed with her trip on the Underground and the sight of London taxis! Shona and Esther took a more laid back trip on a barge, with other friends from Church. It was very entertaining. Esther particularly enjoyed the locks, and spent much of the 4 hour trip trying to jump out of the boat and into the water!
Esther entertaing everyone on the boat!
Drifting along!
On Sunday we all took part in the Stourbridge Carnival, helping on the Church stall (Shona painted lots of faces) and also in the parade where Emilia represented Japan in the Church's Olympic 'float', she would have liked to keep her costume! She got first choice of what to wear - there have to be some perks of being a minister's child! They won the prize for the best entry in the parade, and everyone had fun, despite the rain/thunderstorms!

Emilia dressed for the parade!