Andy has had another busy year looking after the Church here. In the summer he dressed up as Bananaman for the Stourbridge Carnival alongside his daughters who were strawberries! He has become a keen gardener and we are all enjoying the fruits of his work! (And we hope to enjoy even more fruit/veg next year!!) This year he took his turn to lead the town's Rememberance Day service in the local park. It was a bitterly cold day but the service was well attended! He has also begun to work as a chaplain to the local police force which he is enjoying, and he looks rather smart in his uniform!

Shona reached the grand old age of 30 this year (not sure if that's a highlight!) and was treated to a trip to London to see a show (Billy Elliot) and a night away from the girls! The lowlight of the year was when she had an accident in the Bongo, which was unfortunately damaged beyond repair and we were very sad to lose it, but grateful that the only damage was to car and lamp post. In the summer she organised a holiday club at Church, the first for several years, and is currently building up an after-school activity club as a follow on. Aside from School runs, food shopping and keeping the house and troops in order, she continues to sew and knit and bake whenever she can!

Emilia turned 4 in February and celebrated with a party for all her friends. She (along with many of her friends) had chicken pox over the May Bank Holiday, which started whilst we were at the Baptist Assembly in Bournemouth. She started School in September and has loved every moment. She is currently working hard at her sounds and is beginning to start writing and reading anything she can find! Her mind never stops working and her thirst for knowledge seems to be insatiable! She played the part of a cow in the nativity play, which was very good but had to have a few days off afterwards with tonsillitis.
Esther celebrated her second birthday in April and moved into bunk beds the same day! She also had chicken pox in May, although not as badly as her sister! She started Pre-School in September and has been to a weekly swimming lesson since September where she recently earned her first badge for doing things like blowing bubbles under the water. She continues to amaze us with her command of language and her boundless energy, so it's hard to believe she's still only 2!
We all enjoyed a camping holiday in Western Wales in the summer, fun on the beach, although sitting here in the snow, it seems like a long time ago now!
We wish you all a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year 2010!