As we entered 2008 we were hoping for a slightly quieter and less eventful year - no new babies or new jobs, no moving house, no major changes! We have enjoyed a year of being settled but looking back now, it has been a busy and eventful year. Read on to find out why!!!
In January we traded in our old red Rover for a jazzy Mazda Bongo - a cross between a car and a campervan. The roof goes up so you can sleep in it. We hope that, as well as getting us from A to B, it will be a source of cheap holidays!
Emilia turned three in February. She had a weekend of birthday celebrations, including a trip on the Severn Valley Railway and a fairly ambitious Princess Castle cake!
We braved the cold (and snow) in March to take our first holiday in the Bongo. Northumberland has long been on our list of places to visit, and we very much enjoyed it. We packed a lot into four days, visiting Lindisfarne, Bamburgh Castle, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Edinburgh and the Alnwick Garden, which is highly recommended by the Scott family as an excellent day out!
Esther celebrated her first birthday in April, with a trip to the World famous Red House Glass Cone in Stourbridge, and a lion birthday cake. Big sister was very helpful in showing her how to open her presents and blow out her candles!
In May we took the Bongo to Blackpool for the annual Baptist Assembly. It was a very enjoyable gathering where we were able to catch up with many old friends and acquaintances. It was a little cold for going to the beach and we didn't venture up the tower (what a rip off!) or to the pleasure beach, and we won't be returning to Blackpool for a holiday!
Shona, Emilia and Esther visited the West Midlands Safari Park in June on a coach trip with Emilia's pre-school. It was good fun, especially the rides at the end, well Emilia enjoyed them, poor Esther had to sit and watch as she was too small!
Stourbridge carnival takes place in July, and this was our first experience. The Church has always been very involved, organising a float and stalls along the High Street. We had a great day, and were really pleased to have been a part of the winning float - an Olympic theme, with representatives from every continent!

We took the girls abroad for the first time in August. We spent a pleasant fortnight camping in Picardie, enjoying the outdoor life, and even enjoying a few days of sunshine!

At the end of September we celebrated with Steve and Eileen (Andy's brother and his wife) at their wedding. Despite all the rain at the beginning of the month, it was a glorious day in every respect.
During October half-term we travelled to the east of England, and spent some enjoyable but chilly days exploring Peterborough, Norfolk and Cambridge. For 5th November the girls were allowed their first experiences of sparklers and toffee apples, both of which went down well, although Emilia was initially hesitant to eat the 'glass' on the outside of her apple!

December is always a busy month! We are enjoying the advent season and the girls have been busy creating all sorts of things - cards, tree decorations, paper chains and mince pies. We are looking forward to Emilia's Pre-School concert and she is excited to be playing Mary in the Sunday School play! Let the festivities commence!
Thanks for reading our message! We hope you have a fabulous, fun-filled Christmas season and a peaceful New Year.
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